the journey is more important than the destination or whatever.

i always sat backwards on the train home.

the thoughts of right-now in my mind rewind,

as the ripples in the passing lakes engulf themselves

and raindrops assault the clouds that cried them out yesterday.

seems the bitter air is just as I left it.

stepping out into the familiar unknown, i sigh, “i’m back.”


and then forward

to where i’m supposed to be.

to a future i like to believe i can see.

where the planet spins too fast and people forget so quickly.

the trees and hills rush past, the once sunny sky-a silver blur.

stepping out into my burning new home, i sigh;

“i’m back”.


[Ryan Shepherd – he/him – @ry_xrytes]

[Photo credit: Rosie Bruce]


The rest of the pieces from the theme of Nostalgia can be found here.

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